JSM3 comittee members take actions for the environment!
From the 7th 2022 edition, we are :
abandoning paper for abstracts and programs comunication medium
choosing locally-produced and seasonal products in the selection for the cafeteria (in collaboration with CNRS Sodexo cantine)
reducing plastic use during coffee and lunch breaks through re-usable Ecocups and ceramics ware
restricting the search of keynote-speakers to Europe instead of the world to reduce transportation related emissions
setting in place a waste sorting system
awarding environmentally-friendly poster prizes as well as participation goods
Grand ramassage in 2022
This event was organized by the associations Clean my Calanques, MerTerre, Pure Ocean, Wings Of The Ocean and Un Océan de Vie at the Escale Borély in February 2022. It is one of the many reminders that plastics and trash accumulation in Nature is nowadays a issue we have to deal with.
This event was reiterated by the associations Clean my Calanques & Le Petit Phocéen in March 2022 at the Stade du Bois Sacré up to the Notre Dame de la Garde.